DB - Manage VLFs

The right configuration of the transaction log is critical to database performance. The log writes all the transactions prior to committing them into the data file. In many cases, the transaction logs grow significantly. Managing and understanding how the transaction log is growing gives a good indication about system performance.

In SQL 2017, a new DMF, sys.dm_db_log_info is going to be replacing DBCC LOGINFO. This DMF gives a clear picture of the databases having high number of VLF’s along with many other useful columns.

DB_ID(dbs.[name]) AS DatabaseID,
dbs.[name] AS dbName, 
CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), p2.cntr_value/1024.0) AS [Log Size (MB)],
CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), p1.cntr_value/1024.0) AS [Log Size Used (MB)]
FROM sys.databases AS dbs WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_performance_counters AS p1  WITH (NOLOCK) ON dbs.name = p1.instance_name
INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_performance_counters AS p2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON dbs.name = p2.instance_name
WHERE p1.counter_name LIKE N'Log File(s) Used Size (KB)%' 
AND p2.counter_name LIKE N'Log File(s) Size (KB)%'
AND p2.cntr_value > 0 
SELECT [dbName],
[Log Size (MB)], 
[Log Size Used (MB)], 
[Log Size (MB)]-[Log Size Used (MB)] [Log Free (MB)], 
cast([Log Size Used (MB)]/[Log Size (MB)]*100 as decimal(10,2)) [Log Space Used %],
COUNT(b.database_id) AS [Number of VLFs] ,
sum(case when b.vlf_status = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as Free,
sum(case when b.vlf_status != 0 then 1 else 0 end) as InUse
FROM DatbaseVLF AS vlf  
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_log_info(vlf.DatabaseID) b

GROUP BY dbName, [Log Size (MB)],[Log Size Used (MB)]
